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Warning Statement:
A copy of the Prospectus, Supplemental Prospectus (if any), Information Memorandum ("Info Memo"), Supplemental Info Memo (if any), Disclosure Document, Supplemental Disclosure Document (if any) and Product Highlights Sheet ("PHS") can be obtained at AHAM Asset Management Berhad’s (formerly known as Affin Hwang Asset Management Berhad) (“AHAM Capital”) sales offices or at Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of fund’s Prospectus, Supplemental Prospectus (if any) and corresponding PHS before investing. There are fees and charges involved when investing in the Funds. Investors are advised to consider and compare the fees and charges as well of the risks carefully before investing. Investors should make their own assessment of the risks involved in investing and should seek professional advice, where necessary. The price of units and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up and past performance of the fund should not be taken as indicative of its future performance. The Securities Commission Malaysia has not reviewed this marketing/promotional material and takes no responsibilities for the contents of this marketing/promotional material and expressly disclaims all liability, however arising from this marketing/promotional material.