Investing 101
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  • English
    May 15, 2024
    Are you looking at ways to grow your wealth, but find yourself overwhelmed because the whole process seems daunting or you just don’t know how to get started? It’s a common conundrum most new investors face and we can empathise with these anxieties. But part of the problem mainly lies in a number of myths about investing which might be holding you back from making that first step. Here are 3 myths about investing and the real truth about putting your money to work.
    May 15, 2024
    How should investors go about when selecting a unit trust for their investment needs? By following these few simple steps the selection process may be a lot simpler than you think.
    May 15, 2024
    Determining your asset allocation is probably the most important decision you can make as an investor when constructing a portfolio. It is the foundation of which a portfolio is modelled and depending on how assets are apportioned, your portfolio can either work towards helping you achieve your investment objectives or work against your expectation.
    May 15, 2024
    Are you looking at ways to grow your wealth, but find yourself overwhelmed because the whole process seems daunting or you just don’t know how to get started? It’s a common conundrum most new investors face and we can empathise with these anxieties. But part of the problem mainly lies in a number of myths about investing which might be holding you back from making that first step. Here are 3 myths about investing and the real truth about putting your money to work.
    May 15, 2024
    How should investors go about when selecting a unit trust for their investment needs? By following these few simple steps the selection process may be a lot simpler than you think.
    May 15, 2024
    Determining your asset allocation is probably the most important decision you can make as an investor when constructing a portfolio. It is the foundation of which a portfolio is modelled and depending on how assets are apportioned, your portfolio can either work towards helping you achieve your investment objectives or work against your expectation.
    Nov 24, 2021
    Bonds or fixed income typically constitute a core component of the portfolios of pension and insurance funds due to its stable nature and income-producing abilities. However, not much of its intricacies are known to retail investors because of confusing terminology and jargons.
    Nov 24, 2021
    In the second and final part of our educational series on fixed income, we learn more about why credit ratings matter as well as what narrowing/widening spreads signal to investors.
    Jun 30, 2022
    Reviewing Your Finances
  • Bahasa
    May 15, 2024
    Adakah anda sedang mencari jalan untuk mengembangkan kekayaan anda tetapi mendapati usaha ini terlalu rumit kerana seluruh proses kelihatan mencabar atau anda tak tau di mana untuk melabur? Kebanyakan pelabur baharu memang mengalami cabaran ini dan kami memahami segala kesulitan yang anda hadapi. Tetapi sebahagian daripada masalah ada kaitan dengan pelbagai salah tanggapan tentang pelaburan yang menghalang anda daripada mengambil langkah pertama. Berikut ialah 3 mitos atau salah tanggapan tentang pelaburan dan fakta sebenar mengenai cara anda boleh memanfaatkan sepenuhnya pelaburan anda.
    May 15, 2024
    Bagaimana para pelabur boleh memilih unit amanah yang memenuhi keperluan pelaburan mereka? Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah mudah berikut, proses pemilihan mungkin lebih senang daripada yang anda sangka.
    May 15, 2024
    Sebagai pelabur, antara keputusan paling penting yang perlu anda buat ialah menentukan peruntukan aset anda. Cara anda menentukan jenis dan peratusan aset dalam portfolio anda menjadi asas model pelaburan anda. Bergantung kepada bagaimana aset diperuntukkan, portfolio anda boleh membantu anda mencapai matlamat pelaburan anda, atau menyebabkan anda gagal menepati jangkaan.
    May 15, 2024
    Adakah anda sedang mencari jalan untuk mengembangkan kekayaan anda tetapi mendapati usaha ini terlalu rumit kerana seluruh proses kelihatan mencabar atau anda tak tau di mana untuk melabur? Kebanyakan pelabur baharu memang mengalami cabaran ini dan kami memahami segala kesulitan yang anda hadapi. Tetapi sebahagian daripada masalah ada kaitan dengan pelbagai salah tanggapan tentang pelaburan yang menghalang anda daripada mengambil langkah pertama. Berikut ialah 3 mitos atau salah tanggapan tentang pelaburan dan fakta sebenar mengenai cara anda boleh memanfaatkan sepenuhnya pelaburan anda.
    May 15, 2024
    Bagaimana para pelabur boleh memilih unit amanah yang memenuhi keperluan pelaburan mereka? Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah mudah berikut, proses pemilihan mungkin lebih senang daripada yang anda sangka.
    May 15, 2024
    Sebagai pelabur, antara keputusan paling penting yang perlu anda buat ialah menentukan peruntukan aset anda. Cara anda menentukan jenis dan peratusan aset dalam portfolio anda menjadi asas model pelaburan anda. Bergantung kepada bagaimana aset diperuntukkan, portfolio anda boleh membantu anda mencapai matlamat pelaburan anda, atau menyebabkan anda gagal menepati jangkaan.
    Nov 24, 2021
    Bon atau instrumen pendapatan tetap lazimnya merupakan komponen teras portfolio dana persaraan dan insurans kerana cirinya yang stabil dan keupayaan menjana pendapatan. Bagaimanapun, tidak banyak maklumat tentang selok-beloknya diketahui oleh pelabur runcit kerana kosa kata khusus dan istilah yang mungkin mengelirukan.
    Nov 24, 2021
    Dalam bahagian kedua dan terakhir siri pendidikan kami mengenai pendapatan tetap, kita pelajari lebih lanjut mengapa penarafan kredit penting dan juga isyarat yang diberikan kepada pelabur dalam keadaan sebaran kredit yang semakin sempit atau lebar.
    Jul 21, 2022
    Jika anda telah berjaya memulakan proses pelaburan,
  • 中文
    May 15, 2024
    May 15, 2024
    May 15, 2024
    May 15, 2024
    May 15, 2024
    May 15, 2024
    Nov 24, 2021
    考量到稳定度和可增添收益, 债券或固定收益(fixed income)经常被视为退休与保险基金投资组合的核心元素。可是,散户投资者对其错综复杂了解不多,因为当中出现不少令人混淆的术语。
    Nov 24, 2021
    Jul 15, 2022
Hello, I'm Nadia. How may I help you?
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Not sure what to ask? Try these.
  1. I forgot my i-Access password.
  2. How to perform redemption?
  3. What is the minimum amount to open an investment account?
  4. Checklist for deceased redemption.
  5. What is the best fund for me?
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Managing Director
Teng Chee Wai is the founder of Affin Hwang Asset Management Berhad (Affin Hwang AM). Over the past decade, he has built the Company to be the fastest growing and only independent investment management house in Malaysia’s top three, with an excess of RM47 billion in assets under management as at 31 December 2018.​

​In his capacity as Managing Director / Executive Director, Teng manages the overall business and strategic direction as well as the management of the investment team. His hands-on approach sees him actively involved in investments, product development and marketing. Teng’s critical leadership and regular participation in reviewing and assessing strategies and performance has been pivotal in allowing the Company to successfully navigate the economically turbulent decade.

Teng’s investment management experience spans more than 20 years, and his key area of expertise is in managing absolute return mandates for insurance assets and investment-linked funds in both Singapore and Malaysia. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Assistant General Manager (Investment) of Overseas Assurance Corporation (OAC) and was responsible for the investment function of the Group Overseas Assurance Corporation Ltd.​

​Teng began his career in the financial industry as an Investment Manager with NTUC Income, Singapore. He is a Bachelor of Science graduate from the National University of Singapore and has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Studies from City University in London.
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